miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012

Spring Exhibition 2012

St. Ives Exhibition coming up! A number of great artists and illustrators will be participating, including myself. Do come if you are around : ) !

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

Colombia Marcha por la Paz 2011

"No more war, No more kidnapping, no more violence! "

Miles de colombianos hoy se reunieron en las calles de todo el país para marchar contra las FARC, cuya actividad violenta ha estado afectando a nuestro pais por mas de 50 años. Marchamos para exigir el fin del secuestro y la liberación de todos los secuestrados. Algunos, llevan en cautiverio más de 10 años.

Today thousands of Colombians gathered in the streets across the country to march against the FARC, whose violent activity has been affecting our country for over 50 years. We march to demand an end to the kidnapping and plead for the release of all hostages. Some have been in captivity for over 10 years.

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011

Christmas Party Invitation

This invite was designed for the Christmas Party of the Colombian Consulate in London. It´s meant to display the more Colombian traditions of Christmas (like the typical Colombian clothing, the nativity scene and the letters to Baby Jesus from children.) http://consuladodecolombia.co.uk/Inicio.aspx